Стандартні футболки Mayday CCG Perfect-Fit 63,5x88

Код: 13960463149
422 грн
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  • Час доставки: 7-10 днів
  • Стан товару: новий
  • Доступна кількість: 41

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Стандартні футболки CCG ULTRA-FIT 2.5/8"X3.5/8" (100 шт.)

  • Видавець: Mayday Games
  • Код EAN: 80162895119
  • 100 штук в упаковці

Прозорі захисні чохли для гральних карт, виготовлені з чистого поліпропілену, без ПВХ, товщиною 35 мікрон. Список ігор, яким відповідають футболки:

1960 Making of the President, 2 de Mayo, 51 Stan, A Game of Thrones, Acquire 2008 version, Adventurer Card Game, Alien Frontiers, Arcana by Agi, Arena Assault, Arctic Scavanger, Ascension, Attack, Bargain Hunter 2010, Battlecry, Battleground Fantasy Warfare, Battleline, Belfort, Biblebattles, Biblios, Bloodsucker, Bugs, Burn Rate, Cabo Slugfest, Call of Cthulhu LCG, Camelot Legends, Castle Ravenloft DandD, Catacombs, Claustrophobia 2009, Collateral Damage, ЦРУ проти КДБ, холодна війна, Combat, Commands and Colours Ancients, Conflict of Heroes Storms of Steel, Conquest of Earth, Corunea, Cutthroat Caverns, Dabong, Deadlands Doomtown, Defenders Of The Realm, Down in Flames Aces High, Down in Flames Guns Blazing, Duck Duck Go, Duck Duck Safari, Duel Of The Ages, Dungeoneer, Dwarven Dig, Eaten By Zombies, Eminent Domain 2010, Empire Of The Sun, En Guarde Slugfest, Face Cards Poker NIE Bridge, FaceEater, Fightball, Fishing For Terorists Slugfest, Five Fingered Severance, Florenzia 2010 sp, Food Fight, For Sale Fred Edition, For the People, Forbidden Island, Fortune and Glory, Founding Fathers, Frontline DDay, Game of Thrones CCG, Gem Dealer, Get Bit, Guillotine, Halls of Montesuma, Hecho, Hera and Zeus , Here I Stand, Hordes, House Special, Iliad, Illuminati New World Order, Impossible Machine, Incursion sleeves are a little short, Innovation, Inquisitio 2009, Invasion From Outer Space Flying Frog, Island of Doctor Necreaux, Jab Realtime Boxing, K2, Ka Ching, Killer Bunnies Base Blue and Yellow, Killer Bunnies Кожне розширення, King of Tokyo, Kingmaker AH Large Crown Cards, Kung Fu. Labyrinth, Last Night, Legend of the Five Rings, Legitimacy, Lemonade Stand, Loot, Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, Lunch Money, Mage Wars, Magestorm 2010, Malifaux, Masters Gallery, Micro Mutants, Middle Earth CCG, Mimic, Modern Art Card Game Fred Version, Money Fred Version, MTG Magic The Gathering, Munchkin Quest, Mystery Express, Mystery Rummy, Myth Pantheons 2010, Netrunner, Nexus Ops, Nightfall Deck Builder Game, Nightfall Martial Law Expansion, Nile Minion Games, Nostra City, Nuts, Pandemic, Pandemic On The Brink Expansion, Paths of Glory, Penny Arcade, Pesky Humans, Phantom Leader, Phantom League 2010, Phase by Agi, Pig Pile, Pirate King, Poker Cards, Pokmon Trading Card Game, Poo, Princess Bride Storming the Castle Tactics, Cards, Prodigy 2010, Quack in the Box, Quarriors, Race For The Galaxy, Race For The Galaxy Rebel Vs Imperium, Race For The Galaxy The Gathering Storm, Railroad Tycoon, Red Dragon Inn 2 Slugfest, Red Dragon Inn Slugfest , Resident Evil Deck Building Game, Resistance, Rheinlander, Scum, Sentinels of the Multivers, Seppuku, Seven Dragon, Shadow Hunters, Shadowrun TCG, Shifting Sands, Sleuth, Snarf Quest, Soul Hunters 2009, Source Of the Nile Avalon Hill, Space Station Assault, Stalins War, Star Trek CCG, Star Trek Custimizable Card Game 1st Ed, Star Trek Expeditions, Star Trek Fleet Capt, Star Wars CCG, Street Illegal, Sturgeon Minion, Successors 3rd Edition, Sylla, Tanto Cuore, The Napoleonic Wars, Thunderstone Базова гра, Thunderstone Doomgate Legion, Thunderstone Dragonspire, Thunderstone For the Dwarf Promo, Thunderstone Thornwood, Thunderstone Wrath of Elements, Tomb, Tornado Alert 2010, Touch of Evil, Tower of Mystery, Traders of Carthage, Train of Thought, Treasures and Traps, Twilight Struggle, Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition 2010, UFS, Vampire, Vegas Showdown, War for Edah, War of Honor, Warhammer, Warmachine, Wasabi, Washingtons War, Wilderness War, Wits and Wagers, World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, Друга світова війна Barbarossa to Berlin, Wrath of Ashardalon DandD, Yomi Complete First Edition, Zanziar 2008, Zombie in my Pocket 2010, Zombie Ninja Pirates, 1955 The War of шпигунство, Bootleggers